Leap ahead in construction site productivity and efficiency.
Construction is one of the slowest sectors to adopt new technology, according to the Australian Constructors Association. They argue that it’s critical that constructor partner with technology vendors to bring productivity advances to the industry.

Secure communication on-site and from the office
No matter what kind of project you’re building, communication is key. Facilitating BYOD and the simplicity of a smartphone app in Ikonix Connect, we help you include everyone including subcontractors in your communication network, with video, voice, text or paging solutions.

Asset management with location beacons
Be alert to asset and equipment loss with Wi-Fi or Bluetooth signals, and quickly and easily locate your equipment, including being notified when plant moves offsite. Never waste time looking for tools again. These networks can also support duress and safety applications, to protect workers in the field.

Communication solutions that work on every site
Sometimes a project is happening far away from metro areas. Laying a pipeline or a highway between cities, your team could be out of communication range. By deploying a broad radio paging network you can continue to manage the workforce and share messages to ensure the job gets done smoothly.
Find the right on-call assistance wherever they are
Engineers, supervisors and other specialised support may not be at the job site every day. With on-call rostering in Ikonix WebConnect, and team communication in Ikonix Connect, every worker can find the appropriate contact, even when people on-site number in the thousands, or are working around the clock.
Radio paging solutions for easy comms on-site and between sites
Radio is the reliable standard for many deployments. Let Ikonix Technology design and paging solution to keep contact with your teams, inside or outside mobile phone coverage. We can then integrate it so your entire team can communicate, with the Ikonix UMS and Ikonix Connect.
Integrate site safety sensors with Ikonix Messenger
Safety and other sensors can capture a massive amount of data, from gas build-up to personnel unmoving. Ikonix Messenger helps you transmit that information to the response teams that need it, such as dispatching repair crews or the site HSE personnel.
Share photos securely with Ikonix Connect users.
Advise your team of safety concerns or jobs complete with secure, private photo sharing within Ikonix Connect. The app takes and stores photos and videos away from the user's own gallery, keeping company information safe.
Frequently Asked Questions

Often during the tender process for building, expanding, or refurbishing a hospital, the health service will require paging coverage. Using our experience in deploying and maintaining NSW’s HIRPN or the SA Health Paging System (HPS), we can consult and advise, and then supply and install your paging solution.
In general, we recommend this occurs during the building phase, as it can be difficult to lay wiring or a distributed antenna system (DAS) after completion or handover.
Ikonix Technology will consult with you and your contractors at every stage of the design and build, so please contact us early wherever possible.
Blackspots are where the infrastructure around an area causes paging signal to not be received. This can be a significant concern, for example, if doctors are not receiving critical messages due to their location within the hospital.
Ikonix Technology provides site surveys of signal strength and can prepare detailed reports of where issues might occur, and what would be required to remedy these. If necessary, we can then design any required upgrades to the system, to ensure consistency in coverage.
Live building sites have a range of vital safety technologies deployed. Depending on the site itself, its build stage, or the trade work being undertaken at the time, these could be movement and man-down or personal duress alarms, accelerometers or gyroscopes in equipment, air quality sensors such as particulate, carbon dioxide or monoxide detection, or sensors to pick up vibrations, pressure, or electrical current.
These systems will necessarily issue an alert if something is picked up that risks the safety of your personnel. That alerting can be expanded to better communicate with the broader team, such as to a site office, HSEQ personnel, or even back to an office in a different part of town, or interstate. Ikonix Technology offers comprehensive systems integration through Ikonix Messenger, to dispatch critical messaging across whatever medium you need, to help ensure safety incidents are responded to immediately.
By offering communication solutions relevant for each group of personnel, Ikonix Technology integrates team communication on a single platform.
For your field workers, they can make voice and video calls, send instant messages, and send media such as photos or voice notes to office-based support or one another, using Ikonix Connect.
Within the same platform is Ikonix WebConnect. This is a browser-based solution that offers all the same collaborative elements, as well as programmable hotkeys for emergency and repetitive communications.
Both services integrate via Ikonix Messenger, to incorporate automated, system alerts and communications.
By bringing together a variety of different technologies, you can still achieve critical communications for safety and collaboration when working in regional or remote Australia. Where there is mobile phone cellular signal, Ikonix Connect helps your team stay in touch. If no coverage is available, you might consider setting up a Wi-Fi network, either linked to your terrestrial Internet connection, or a satellite solution.
In many cases, as with serving emergency services across the NT, a paging network might be the best. Because paging has a longer signal wavelength, less power is required to cover distance, allowing a remote property to have constant coverage for critical messaging.
Vehicles and other powered plant might be able to use GPS-based telematics, but this would not be suitable for smaller – and easier to lose – assets. Hardware such as power tools or other equipment need a more detailed location system.
Real-time location services (RTLS) are a positioning system that uses a local area network, such as Wi-Fi or Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), to identify the relative position of small beacons to be worn by people, or attached to equipment. As the beacons are themselves powered, you do not need to wire these into your assets and risk damage or warranty concerns.
RTLS solutions help you identify where items are and prevent loss. Integrating these into your communications system allows your team to be notified as items depart the site, ensuring a swift response before loss or theft.
Are you a constructor building a hospital, or another project with end-customer communication requirements?
Paging system design, procurement and implementation.
Common in both greenfield and brownfield hospital developments is the need to accommodate paging infrastructure. Ikonix technology works with leaders in construction to design and deploy paging solutions. Invite us to contribute to your tender and together we can submit a compelling bid for communications solutions for your client.
Integrating all solutions via the Message Integration Engine.
Constructors are increasingly required to source and install disparate solutions from Building Management Systems to medical gas or nurse calls. Ikonix Messenger, our MIE, brings all these systems to a central point for information distribution. After handover, your client's team can easily manage the brand new asset you've built.